Our Vision, Ethos, Background and Principles
‘That every young person in Birmingham has access to a Safe Space in their neighbourhood’.
Young People
Core to Safe Spaces is the well being and flourishing of young people & in wanting to play a part in helping them be all they can be, in helping them develop positive relationships, identity, self-esteem, resilience and aspirations.
A desire to see a flourishing Birmingham with young people fully being a part.
Whilst it has a big vision for Birmingham, at its heart Safe Spaces is about the local; about local youth work and about young people having a safe place to connect with others in their own neighbourhood.
5P’s – Our Guiding Principles
A commitment to the guiding principles of running a Safe Spaces, known as the ‘5P’s’.
Relationships, connection and collaboration:
At the heart of the network is a desire to connect people to one another and building relationships both within the Safe Spaces themselves, and across the city with those running and supporting them.
Inclusive Network:
Safe Spaces for young people was set up by a group of Christian Youth Workers wanting to encourage and resource more youth work across the city. Recognising that this only possible if people of all faiths and non are involved, Safe Spaces for young people therefore seeks to be an inclusive network.
We recognise spirituality as an important part of the flourishing of young people, whatever their faith.
Inspiring Churches:
As Safe Spaces network developed out of the Christian community we have strong links to Churches. We aspire to see Churches equipped and supported to set up and run Safe Spaces in their neighbourhoods, building good supportive relationships with Young People. With that in mind, we have secured some funding through the Church of England to support Church of England Churches in the more deprived areas of Birmingham to set up and run Safe Spaces in their neighbourhoods.